Some careers don’t just demand time and energy—they push relationships to the breaking point. Juggling work and personal life is hard enough, but for these 10 people, their partner’s profession became the ultimate dealbreaker.

My ex was an English teacher. I thought it was cool—smart, well-read, and always something interesting to talk about. The problem was, he didn’t talk with me—he corrected me. “It’s ‘their,’ not ‘there.’” “You don’t ‘do a mistake,’ you ‘make’ one.” “Fewer” for countable nouns, ‘less’ for uncountable ones.” One day, I sent him a sweet message: “Your the best♥️” A minute later, he replied: — “You’re the best.” You missed an apostrophe. At that moment, I realized it was time to put a period on our relationship.
I’ve dated a professional hockey player. When they’re not in training, they’re in Physiotherapy. When the injuries come, they’re shipped off to physio camp. During the season, they’re moody.
When it’s off season, they lose their minds and have terrible coping mechanisms for not having strict schedules. There’s also the off season weight gain and then scramble to get back into shape.
The whole house is full of hockey gear, and no amount of vinegar will cleanse that accumulated smell from training and the duffel bag. It has to be kept in a separate room of the house. You will trip over ice skates, there are random hockey sticks in every corner.
I dated a chef. When I tried to make something for us at home, instead of enjoying it, he’d pick it apart. “You overcooked the pasta,” or “This sauce is too salty.” Every meal became a performance I was doomed to fail. Even when I just reheated leftovers, he’d sigh and mutter something about how it “looked sad.”
I stopped trying to cook for him after one particularly humiliating dinner. I’d spent hours preparing a meal from a recipe I found online—a dish I knew he loved. He took one bite, put his fork down, and said, “This isn’t how it’s supposed to taste.”
That was it. No thank you, no acknowledgment of the effort. Just a critique, like I was a contestant on some cooking show. I was dating a perfectionist who cared more about food than he did about me.

I dated a nurse and her job destroyed our relationship. She got called in to cover an emergency shift, and I was left alone at a dinner reservation. She didn’t respond to my calls. And when she finally called me back, she was in tears, telling me she’d lost a patient.
She was never present when we were together. We’d try to plan simple things, like a quiet weekend, but her schedule always changed last minute. One weekend, I watched her leave for a 12-hour shift, and when she came back, she didn’t even look at me. She went straight to the couch, didn’t say a word, and fell asleep.
If they have a job doing remote therapy. I’ve met a number of girls doing this job, and they were some of the most unstable individuals I’ve ever met.
They don’t actually have a degree in anything to do that job. They just want to indulge their mental health hobby. If you ever get your kids online therapy, you really need to pay attention to who you’re hiring.
A lot of 24h manufacturing jobs are difficult for maintaining relationships. Rotating shift work with day and night rotations get difficult. People don’t understand what working nights is like, and people don’t understand manipulating sleep schedules to be awake during a rotation.
Maintenance outages can be even worse. In the oil industry, a 3-month turnaround is normal. During that period you’re working 13 days with 1 day off, 12–16 hours a day. If your SO is a regular M-F 9-5 schedule, and you’re night shift, you may not see each other for 3 months. That really puts a strain on relationships if the partner isn’t aware/used to it.

My fiancé and I are both actors. We wouldn’t have any money if it weren’t for the fact that we both have freelance side gigs. We also wouldn’t work if we weren’t decent people. My ex is also an actor, he isn’t famous but has a lot of work and a side gig.
It sucked so hard I can’t even describe it. He was stingy, greedy, felt superior to everyone else and was always critical of me and my work even if I didn’t ask him. He also was emotionally unavailable because of his massive ego.
Overall, I do not recommend dating an actor unless you’re also an actor, they are a decent person and so are you, you both have the same level of fame.
Lawyer. I am a lawyer. I know lots of lawyers who are married to other lawyers, and I don’t get it. Being in a relationship with another type A person who also likes to hear themselves talk and also has to be right about everything all the time is exhausting.
I was working a bar job when I met a girl who worked at a bank, with regular 9–5 hours. We hit it off, but the mismatch in schedules was horrible — realized pretty quickly I had a choice to make. Made the jump to an office job and never looked back — coming up on 20 years married now. No way would we still be together if I’d stayed in hospitality.

I dated a fitness trainer, and at first, it was great—he knew all about healthy eating and always motivated me to work out. But then I realized… he never turned off his trainer mode. “Are you sure you want a second bun?” he’d ask innocently at dinner. “Let’s check how many steps you’ve taken today!” At the beach, he looked at me thoughtfully and said, “You should tighten up your abs a little. I can help you with a program!”
I laughed, thinking it was a joke. But then he pulled out his phone and actually started making me a workout plan. At some point, I realized I just wanted to enjoy food and relax—not feel like his client. When we broke up, I bought myself a huge cake. And you know what? I didn’t count the calories—I just enjoyed it.
Unexpected situations can arise in any profession. Here’s the story of a policewoman who breastfed a rescued baby.