
Why Bitter Kola, Alligator Pepper Is Good For Your Health

The following are some of the health advantages of eating bitter kola and alligator pepper together or drinking a mixture of alligator pepper and bitter kola:

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is treated with this medication

Low libido, a weak erection, and premature ejaculation are all symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can be cured by eating alligator pepper and bitter kola and then drinking a cup of coconut water.

It accomplishes this by improving blood flow to the testes, male reproductive organs the penis.

A man is said to endure longer in bed if he eats alligator pepper and bitter kola.

Boosts ovulation

The health benefits of bitter kola and alligator pepper; – Women can improve their ovulation and fertility by eating bitter kola and alligator pepper.

Bitter kola and alligator pepper are well-known fertility enhancers that can help a woman conceive.

Aids Weight loss

It is considered that consuming a morning blend of alligator pepper and bitter kola aids in fat burning and weight loss.

Some people who desire to lose belly fat and get a flat stomach ingest bitter kola and alligator pepper first thing in the morning before going about their regular routines.

Boost Sperm Count 

For at least one month, consuming bitter kola and alligator pepper combined every night and morning has been found to boost sperm count and even make sperm more fertile.

Male infertility is treated with bitter kola and alligator pepper.

Constipation is treated

Health benefits of bitter kola and alligator pepper – Fibres abound in alligator pepper and bitter kola.

Fibres have long been known to aid in the prevention and treatment of constipation.


Boost your libido with these tips

When bitter kola and alligator pepper are consumed together; sexual desire is increased.

This is because a combination of alligator pepper and bitter kola boosts testosterone levels in both men and women.

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