
“My mom is my close friend. We k!ss ,hug,and do Many crázy things together.i take her to the strîppérs club, She’s my Girlfriend”~ Wiz khalifa

My mom is my close friend. We k!ss ,hug,and do Many crázy things together.i take her to the strîppérs club, She’s my Girlfriend”~ Wiz khalifa

Wiz khalifa :”My momma is very close to me. We chill and do things together. If you meet her, you will fall in love with her for real. We k!ss,hug and do some crâzy things.

We go to strip club together,and we do everything together. She’s my dáwg.


19 yrs innocent Vîrgín rapper,Wiz khalifa,says he k!ss and take her mom to the strîppérs club together

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